It seems it must be long enough now since my last post. I was able to take 4 days off last week, which was very refreshing. I was able to do a few projects (including painting some furniture for the living room) and get some extra rest. What a blessing!

The work at the hospital continues with little change. I have a few new lab tests available. The improved diagnostic capabilities do require a bit of time. I hope to get more used to the equipment, and spend less time with it. The hospital decided to spend its limited funds on a new (3rd) ambulance, so they still have no x-ray capability. I am thankful for the equipment that the Lord provided some years ago so that I can assist the hospital in this way. I also do more ultrasound scans since I got the new machine last year. I am privileged to serve these folks here who seem to be forgotten by the health care system.

The several departments of the government hospital continue to open and close at the whim of the health care workers. In March, April, and May the outpatient department– and even most of the inpatient ward beds– were closed due to the presence of a few positive covid cases. Since then our covid cases have dropped, but various other things in the community have closed things down. Sometimes there’s no reason at all except that no one wants to work. Overall, there is a chronic and expected lawlessness. I am often disappointed but not surprised.

Speaking of lawlessness, I have found the same spirit in my own heart. The “great pandemic” has brought with it changes in laws that regulate my behavior; and I have found myself complaining, chafing, and rebelling against the laws. Wearing a mask has been a particular trial for me, but it is required not only inside all health care facilities, but all public buildings (including churches). I have been so convicted by the Scripture of my rebellion and complaint. Worse than that, I have enabled others of God’s children to do the same. God hates these attitudes! This pandemic has provided an open door for the Spirit of God to show His own children the long-hidden and greater pandemic of their own rebellious hearts. Oh, that the Church of the living God would choose to bend before the Throne of God, and obey His direct command to submit to every authority! Please do pray that the Lord would keep working in me the willingness to do all His will.